I didnt have to search the web or memorise the URL link. Instead, in Firefox I on Tools -> Extensions and a nice dialog box appear where there is a hyperlink "Get more extension" at the bottom right. Click on this and a web browser brings you to the extension page.
I found a "forecast 0.9.6" that provides a nice display of the weather retrieved from accuweather.com web site. Currently it supports Firefox 1.5 -3 .0 which suits me just fine. At the firefox extension page, click on "Install now". Close all Firefox windows and open a new window. I am prompted with the option box for a default forecast location. I selected "Kuala Lumpur" and was given the following codes

It says Mostly Cloudy, 30 deg Celcius today. It also shows the weather for the next 2 days. Yippee now I can plan my travels.