Version Control System (VCS)
Is a software that helps software developers to work together and maintain a complete history of their work. Git is a VCS software where it supports a distributed version control system, across the network.
Is a free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. Installed on your computer, Git provides a private workplace or also known as a working copy. These working copy and its versions are part of the repository. Users can carry out actions such as add, remove, rename, move any file(s), then commit the changes.
Git manage changes in the folder .git, stores in the root folder of a git project. Special files that provide instructions to git are named .gitignore and .gitattributes.
For those seeking specific task, here are notes on how to push to a remote repository.
Basic process flow to add or update file(s) can be listed in 5 steps.
- Create a git project if not done. Then create or modify a file in the project folder
- Add the file to a staging area
- Commit the file from a staging area
- Push commits to a git repository
- Manage branches
1. Create
Configure user details
git config --global "My Name"
git config --global tboxmy@email.address
Create a new git project
git init
git status
git diff
git show <commit_id>
git show HEAD
git show <branchname>
History of activities
git log
git log -p
git log --stat --summary
Git from another project
git clone /home/originalproject myproject
Clone from a remote SSH or HTTPS site
git clone ssh://username@servername:port/repo/originalproject myproject
git clone https://servername/repo/originalproject myproject
2. Edit files to Staging area
Add list of files to a staging area.
Add a file
git add file1.ext
git add file1.ext file2.ext file3.ext
Add all changed files
git add .
List files to be committed
git diff --cached
Search text in files
git grep "searchstring"
Undo adding of file to staging area
git reset HEAD <filename>
Undo a modified file
Retrieve back the last commit of a file. This will replace changes made for that file.
git checkout -- <filename>
Delete a file
Deletes a file from the repository.
git rm <filename>
3. Commit
Permanently store files from staging area.
git commit -m "remarks for commit"
Display commits
git log
Name a commit
git tag <tag_name> <commit_id>
git tag laravel7 c382b0b018dbd53301119636ce0b5770b1958d06
Search text in files of a commit
git grep "searchstring" <tag_name>
Display file of a commit name
git show <commit_name>:<file_name>
Display file for a given commit name
git show laravel7:resources/views/home.blade.php
Add file without creating a new commit
git commit --amend
4. Push
Send files to remote repository
git push origin master
List files changed at remote or local
git fetch origin
git show --name-only master origin/master
git diff --name-only master origin/master --
5. Manage Branches
Create a new branch
git branch development
List branches
git branch
Switch to another branch
git switch development
Delete branch
git branch -d development
Delete branch without validation
git branch -D development
6. Access repository on remote server
Add remote source through shared network drive
git remote add [-t <branch>] [-m <master>] [-f] [--tags|--no-tags] [--mirror=<fetch|push>] <name> <url>
git remote add origin /home/originalproject
Add remote source through SSH
git remote add tboxmy ssh://tboxmy@
Remove remote source
git remote remove <name>
git remote remove origin
List remote source
git remote
git remote -v
git config --get remote.origin.url
Pull files from remote source
This will fetch file(s) from a remote branch, then merge them into the current branch.
git pull origin master
Fetch remote source but do not merge
git fetch origin
Display change of current files with remote source
git log -p origin/originalproject
Delete remote branch
This the dangerous bit, you are warned, NO UNDO function. Better to leave the branch and create new branch.
git push origin --delete branchname