Laravel utilise Artisan to help make working with development faster. This allow programmers to focus more on the development than the management of packages and some repeated workflows.
Here I list the top few commands that I use;
For scaffolding
- make:controller
- Create a controller file in app/Http/Controllers
- php artisan make:controller ArticleController
- Create a default model
- php artisan make:model Article
- Create a model along with migration and factory
- php artisan make:model Article -crmf
- Create migration file
- php artisan make:migration create_articles_table
- Process all the migration file that haven't been run before
- php artisan migrate
- Create Seeder file
- php artisan make:seeder CustomerTableSeeder
- Process seeder file
- php artisan db:seed
- php artisan db:seed --class=CustomerTableSeeder
- List command help
- php artisan list
- Routing
- php artisan route:list
- Debugging
- php artisan tinker
- Front-end user interface
- php artisan ui bootstrap|vue|react
- Remove Front-end user interface
- php artisan preset none
- Create front-end with user authentication
- php artisan ui vue --auth
- A stand alone server start, maintenance mode, normal mode
- php artisan serve
- php artisan down
- php artisan up
- Refresh laravel optimisation files
- php artisan dump-autoload