Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tutorial on Linux Shell Fundamentals

Most Linux admin and developers on Linux will benefit from knowing some shell scripting skills.

In most Linux, the shell is run on BASH. There are a few other shells out there but the default is BASH which I will introduce the basics here.

Gain access to a Linux terminal or also known as the command line terminal (CLI) and follow along these topics.

Fundamentals 1 (START)
  1. Getting started
  2. Creating a script
  3. Comments, printout and local strings
  4. Builtin variables
  5. Backup a folder
  6. Separate variable names and back slash
  7. Linux command in scripts
  8. Function basics
  9. Script arguments
  10. Accepting user input
  11. Simple if/else decision
Fundamentals 2 (START)
  1. The while loop
  2. Array variables
  3. Read from a file
  4. The for loop
  5. The until loop
  6. Find plain text files
  7. Quick menu input with select
  8. The case to create a menu
  9. Formatted printing with printf
  10. Print a line full length of screen


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