Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Howto clone existing GIT repository

There are many cases where remote git repositories provide a central location to store files such as source codes. The command 'clone' is used to retrieve a remote git repository. Depends on how a user is provided access to the server, by http, ssh or other methods. 

Here is how its done on Centos Linux, where it defaults to create a folder which is the same name as the repository.

cd /var/www

git clone ssh://nicholas@remoteserver:22/repo/tboxmy.git

Another approach is to create in our empty folder myproject

git clone ssh://nicholas@remoteserver:22/repo/tboxmy.git myproject

How to add user to the remote

git remote add newuser ssh://nicholas@remoteserver:22/repo/tboxmy.git

View remote users

git remote -v 

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