Monday, July 12, 2021

KVM virtual machine on Centos 8 - Change name and Create snapshots

 Virtualisation provide a more efficient use of memory, disk and all CPU on a server. Separate servers can be managed within a single server. Centos 8 provide virtual machine (VM) management through KVM (kernel virtual machine).

 Each VM is given a domain name. Common practice before upgrading a server operating system, is to create a backup the current VM, or as its known here, a snapshot. Default format in use is qcow2, where tools for snapshot will work. Through Virtual Machine Manager and Cockpit, virtual machines can be created and managed. 

Centos 8 Cockpit view of VM administration

 Creating of virtual machines is not covered in here as its quite straight forward. Mostly it depends on the organisation practise and best practises.

  • Centos 8 is installed with virtual machine manager.
  • A virtual machine is already added with the name "Centos7_php"

 Let's work with an existing VM named "Centos7_php". This virtual machine is installed with the operating system Centos Linux 8 and all the other packages required as a PHP development server. This requires the VM to be shutdown (and there are no snapshots)

Display available running VM


virsh list

Shutdown VM

virsh shutdown {domain}
virsh shutdown Centos7_php

Rename VM

virsh domrename {domain} {new_name}

virsh domrename Centos7_php php_development

Startup VM

Note: The following will continue to use the initial VM name of Centos7_php.

virsh start {domain}

virsh start Centos7_php

Retrieve VM configuration

virsh dumpxml {domain}

List available snapshots for a domain

virsh snapshot-list --domain {domain}

Create a snapshot

Snapshots can be created while a VM is running. Best practise would be to stop the VM, where possible. The reason why double-quotes are used here, is that its common to have snapshot name with spaces. But no so for the domain name.
virsh snapshot-create-as --domain {domain} --name "{snapshot_name}"

View details of a snapshot with syntax:
virsh snapshot-info --domain {domain} --name "{snapshot_name}"

Example of creating a snapshot, then showing its details

virsh snapshot-create-as --domain Centos7_php \ 
  --name "2021July" --description "Snapshot initial stages"
virsh snapshot-list --domain Centos7_php
virsh snapshot-info --domain Centos7_php --name "2021July" 

Revert to a specific snapshot

Ensure the VM is shutdown before switching to a snapshot. Here is the syntax and an example.
virsh --snapshot-revert --domain {domain} --snapshotname "{snapshot_name}"

Example to switch to a snapshot known and initial.

virsh shutdown Centos7_php
virsh --snapshot-revert --domain Centos7_php \
     --snapshotname "2021July"
virsh start Centos7_php 

Delete a snapshot

Each snapshot takes up disk space, and these can be removed when not in use anymore.

virsh --snapshot-delete --domain {domain} --snapshotname "{snapshot_name}"

Example to delete a snapshot

virsh --snapshot-delete --domain Centos7_php --snapshotname "2021July" 

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