Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Check Disk Usage on Windows with WinDirStat

Running out of disk space and wondering where it all went to? Windows users can have their disk summarised and a treemap generated through the use of WinDirStat.

This Windows programme is a port from an open source application called KDirStat written for KDE running on Linux/BSD/Unix type operating system. In the spirit of open source, One characteristics of being open source is having others extend or provide their own version of the software. For example, altWinDirStat from from WinDirStat with some updates. Its a matter of seeing who can stand the test of time in the open source world.

Wouldn't you agree that it opens up more possibilities and increase access to better software?

In the diagram above, there are 3 distinct areas in the default layout after scanning of a directory. Which by the way can include a network share. 

In the area for Directory Summary, users can choose to access the sub-directories details and even delete directories. Click on a directory and its highlighted in the treemap. In the File extension summary, just a click and the disk view of that extension is shown. Click on the Coloured Treemap and the item is highlighted in directory and file extension summary areas, immediately.

Its a nifty and fast tool. 

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