Getting started with Linux commands

Common Linux commands generally works across all Linux distributions, with exceptions of distribution specific commands and application for different distributions. When do you need to use Linux commands? Or do you even need to?

Here is a list of Linux commands to get started for a person who have just gained the task to administer Linux servers or developer who require access to Linux servers or anyone having access to a Linux desktop.

Some of the commands require additional installation and that, you must refer to your distribution specific needs.

File system

  1. ls
  2. cd
  3. mkdir
  4. rm
  5. rmdir
  6. mv
  7. cat
  8. cp
  9. pr
  10. pwd
  11. find
  12. diff
  13. mount
  14. file
  15. grep
  16. head
  17. tail

User management

  1. alias
  2. whoami
  3. id
  4. passwd
  5. sudo
  6. who
  7. uname
  8. history
  9. export
  10. finger
  11. watch
  12. users
  13. w
  14. last
  15. lastlog
  16. mesg

Server resources

  1. top
  2. lsmod
  3. du
  4. df
  5. env
  6. free
  7. unset
  8. apropos
  9. hostname
  10. ps
  11. bg
  12. fg
  13. man
  14. pidof
  15. systemctl
  16. kill
  17. ldd
  18. ltrace
  19. hexdump
  20. strings

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