I have downloaded and extracted:
- Android Development Toolkit (ADT): adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130729.zip
- Phonegap kit: phonegap-2.9.0.zip
In order to start development, an Android project is created in Eclipse.
Step 1: Create an Android Project
Open Eclipse (Its in the ADT/eclipse folder) and choose File ->New ->Android Application Project
Application Name: Hello World (This is the name that will appear in the Play Store)
Project Name: HelloWorld (This is the name used by Eclipse to separate each project)
Package Name: com.example.HelloWorld
Select the default option for the remainder screens.
Step 2: Insert the Android/PhoneGap Libraries
In the project, left click on assets and create a new folder: www
Open the extracted PhoneGap/lib/android folder and do the following;
- Copy PhoneGap/lib/android/cordova.js to Project's assets/www folder
- Copy PhoneGap/lib/android/cordova-2.9.0.jar to Project's libs folder
- Copy PhoneGap/lib/android/xml folder to Project's res folder
In the Project's lib/cordova-2.9.0.jar right click and choose Build Path ->Add to Build Path
Step 3: Create the starting page
In assets/www folder, create the text file index.html with following contents
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova.js">
<h1>Hello PhoneGap</h1>
Step 4: Configure to load the index.html
Edit the Project's src/com.example.HelloWorld/MainActivity.java
Before the first import statement, add
import org.apache.cordova.*;
Change extends Activity
to extends DroidGap
Change setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
Step 5: Configure Android specific configurations
Edit the AndroidManifest.xml (if unsure where, just place it before the
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />
Edit the Activity tag by adding configChanges
android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|screenSize" >
Step 6: Test the application
Right click the project name and choose Run As ->Android Application
Unless you have a fast machine with huge RAM, some waiting time is required for the Application to start, after the Android Emulator starts.
Nice tutorial. Two (possibly noob) problems I had though were 1) instead of PhoneGap, I had to replace Activity with DroidGap. And 2) Eclipse said that the uses-permission elements should go right after the manifest element so maybe you meant to type "if unsure where, just place it before the Application tag" instead of "Activity tag". But overall, much more easier to follow than other docs. Thanks!
There's no PhoneGap class, you should substitute the extends Activity whit extends DroidGap
Does not work. Crashes the app on load
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent
James and Ramza,
Thanks for the comments, will consider them. I notice that there were other custom settings in my setup that allowed me to do the coding as written.
The instructions have work for hundreds of users. You could try a fresh setup and follow steps along with another person.
After create project success, how to add cordova plugins to this project?
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