Thursday, July 5, 2012

Installing PHPMYADMIN on Centos 6

PHPMyadmin is a web front end to manage MySQL databases. It can be installed on the same server as the database or on a separate server.

Step 1: Open a Linux command line terminal (CLI)
Login as root or administrator.

Step 2: Increase the software repository with rpmforge
Browse for the packages and download from


Select the 64bit version if your machine supports it.

Install the keys from DAG.
rpm --import

Install the rpmforge files to access the repository.
rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.*.rpm

Refer to for details

Step 3: Install phpmyadmin
yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install phpmyadmin

Step 4: Using a web browser point to the server installed with phpmyadmin.

where is the server's IP address.

You should be able to see the main page of phpmyadmin.

2 comments: said...

These facts are really interesting. Few of them were well known for me but many of them were brand new for me too!
I will print this one out and show to my friends because they will be definitely interested in that. Thanks!
phpMyAdmin said...

These facts are really interesting. Few of them were well known for me but many of them were brand new for me too!
I will print this one out and show to my friends because they will be definitely interested in that. Thanks!

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